Hello, World!
I decided to run for Congress in this special election for Florida's 1st congressional district because I wanted to protect my home, my family, my friends, and my country. This has come as a complete surprise to everybody I know because this is outside of my character; I don't seek the spotlight. There are too many corrupt officials making selfish decisions in Washington that I feel compelled to make a stand so I may have a home to raise my daughter. I have received numerous threats towards not only myself, but my family convincing me I made the correct decision to run and am indeed viewed as a threat to the corruption.
~Jeff Macey
National Security
This nation should use the full force of its military if the need arises. However, the modern battlefield is no longer restricted to bullets and bombs, but now includes bits and bytes. Attacks are now arriving in many forms from overt cyber attacks on the US Treasury, ransom attacks on our health care systems, the disruption of our utilities and infrastructure, to the theft of our private moments in the cloud. Mobile apps are being used to spy on our children to entice them to gamble or be poisoned via the illegal drug trade. Artificial intelligence is being heavily used to spread lies and sow distrust and instability across the nation. A strong physical and virtual national border is paramount to national security, but we now require those with the experience who understand the difference between protection and censorship to lead the way.
Individual Liberty
Small Government is a key to upholding the individual liberties found within the US Constitution. It is imperative to uphold the rights that have have been fought for and secured by previous generations. While fighting to protect natural rights against those who seek to restrict or deny those liberties.
Economic Freedom
The backbone of the American economy relies on individual ingenuity, hard-working individuals, small business, and entrepreneurs. It is imperative to remove the red tape for economic growth. Economic Freedom relies on a government that is not wasting the taxpayer's money on unnecessary expenditures, and relies on securing a sound financial foundation for the next generation.
Principles to live by:
- Treat one's neighbor as oneself (Follow the golden rule)
- “Be there for others, carry their burden when they can't”
- Root out any and all forms of corruption; hold oneself to the highest forms of integrity.
Policy positions can change as need arises, principles never change.
Policy Positions
Congressional Term Limits (Constitutional Amendment)
We must rid our government of corrupt career politicians who spend decades making millions of dollars off insider trading and may even disappear for months on end without notice while collecting a pay check. We need the congressional version of the 22nd Amendment to limit terms and force our government to not be stagnant or controlled by the same financial backers for generations. Under no circumstance should House members' tenures exceed 10 years (5 terms) and Senators' 18 years (3 terms). Members of Congress legislating for multiple decades is selfish and disrespectful to their constituents.
Social Security
Revamp Social Security for future generations, while upholding promises to generations who earned their social security.
According to the Social Security Administration, Social Security will run out in 2035. it is imperative to take the necessary steps to protect social security for the current generations who have rightly earned those benefits. It is also imperative to make the necessary changes to preserve Social Security for future generations.
Protect our CHILDREN
Children should remain children. Children should be allowed to let their imaginations develop unhindered. Children should have be able to attend excellent schools, not have unnecessary life altering medical decisions, and be able to fully develop their potential.
Make energy Independence happen
We must go nuclear and we must make it happen as fast as possible. Oil is a national security issue that fuels our military and while it is in our nation's best interest to use others' oil and not ours we must remove the addiction at any cost therefore we must drill baby drill until nuclear comes around. We can't drill off the Emerald Coast of Florida though because it is a national security issue where we test all of our military weaponry. Nuclear is our best solution. It is the cleanest, safest, and most reliable source of energy. Wind and solar are unstable and put immense strain on the power grids as they're always in flux; nuclear is easily controlled. The most recent plant that opened in Georgia was riddled with needless red tape and swamped with corruption causing cost overruns that are unacceptable. Fear mongers speak of Chernobyl and Fukushima which both had poor designs that would never be approved in the states. Chernobyl's warnings and safety procedures were deliberately ignored whereas Fukushima required an act of god to damage the horribly built plant. We must go nuclear.
Limit the scope of a presidential pardon (Constitutional Amendment)
Not taking away the needed power of the pardon from the President; only tying refine its scope so it's not used like children at a playground would. It's worth noting those who do accept pardons already accept an implied guilt and forfeit their 5th amendment right to not self-incriminate so must answer all relevant questions if subpoenaed.
Secure National Borders
With record numbers of illegal immigrants coming across the nations borders, it is with resolve that these borders must be secure. The people of this nation deserve to know who is entering into the country. Doing so would also reduce the number of illicit drugs causing harm to the people of the United States. Extra scrutiny needs to be done for those originating from hostile nations especially those requiring exit visas and monitor their citizens while abroad. With intense pressure from their state governments, they will be persuaded to act as spies against America and must be assumed as such when discovered.
Equip the nation to be prepared for cyber attacks
According to a 2024 University of Maryland study, there are approximately 2,200 cyber attacks in the US every day, which translates to a cyber attack happening roughly every 39 seconds on average. This does not include automated hacking bots that will attack servers more than 10,000 times per minute if left unchecked. A responsible nation will have the motive and means to defend itself and if necessary go on the attack. Also work with local Universities to develop cyber institutes.
Repeal NFA and GCA
The National Firearms Act and Gun Control Act are both unconstitutional. Both violate the Second Amendment. The people are the militia and defenders of individual freedom. Also, what part of “Shall not be infringed” is hard to understand?
Repeal the Patriot Act
The repeal of the Patriot Act is necessary; it is a gross violation of the 4th Amendment.
Work toward a Federal balanced budget
We are treading dangerously close to interest paid from our national debt equalling our taxes collected. The moment those two intersect, our nation will implode. The can needs to cease being kicked down the road for our children to deal with the mess.